The Reviews:
Well I've been using the Eco-friendly dishwasher liquid & it works great! Not only is is saving the earths water supply, it's also saving my pocketbook. It was as economical as most of the leading brands, & cheaper than some of the others. Also it left less water spots on my glassware...what a bonus!
While we are talking about the environment, here is a site that you can look up how much each appliance you have will save you. Go check it out!!!
Also, after a long day of shopping, & not wanting to make the last stop at the video rental store, I purchased a DVD at Wal-mart called "5 people you meet in heaven", starring Jon Voight. It started out kinda slow, but it turned out to be a great movie. I had never heard of it before, & didn't look to see when It came out, but it must have been a sleeper. I mentioned it to 1 of my friends, & they were actually reading the book! Wish I had time to read, but for now I'll just watch movies.
The Rambles:
I asked a few of my buddies from Multiply about the border fabric for my sassy ladies blocks & they suggested that I use white with black polka-dots. I think that would look great, & funky too! Are there any other suggestions out there? Please leave me a comment.