Last weekend a fellow Flea market vendor across the aisle from me noticed that I had been pounding nails under my roof line
to hang some of my hand-sewn wares. My blue jean aprons that I previously blogged about, & some hand-sewn canvas bags, &
totes; some made by my friend Charlotte.
Well as it turned out, she is a big wig at 1 of the local banks during the week, & on the weekends she is selling fun doggy supplies
which was her hobby, but now has turned into a growing on-line business.....but back to my original story.....
Anyway, it turns out that she had purchased a pink ribbon tote from 1 of the other vendors who is no longer at our market, so
she inquired if I might be interested in sewing up some totes for her clients at the bank. That is part 1 of my story.....
Today, I was going through some boxes with various items enclosed, trying to decide what to keep, what to trash, what to sell,
& what to donate. In 1 box I found some old calenders I had saved....I guess because the pictures where pretty, & they inspired
me for future projects.....& decided that maybe I should go through each page to see any notations that may have been written
down for that year....hence part 2 of my story......
Sept. 18th 2001
Dr. Appt. mammogram. That was my 1st & only mammogram, I hadn't realized that 10 yrs. had gone by.....coincidence or not?
I'll let you decide, but in the meantime I have included a link to the 25th Year of NBCAM.
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