sassyfibersbySonja.etsy.com |
Well the blog for February......Last Wednesday we had a going away party at my sewing workshop for my long-time pal Charlotte, who is moving to Florida. Dang, I am so gonna miss her, as I can honestly say that she is 1 of my best friends. Even though I have years of "people I know" I only have a hand-ful of friends. I am so sad :( but I know she will be happy to be around her sisters who also live there. We all make a quilt block for her, so she can remember our fun times at the workshop. Of course I forgot my camera that day, so I didn't get a picture of my block (sigh)...but I made a cowboy boot applique with the San Antonio Spurs fabric as the upper boot. It turned out pretty nifty, as all the other ladies blocks did. I also put together all of the scraps that Gloria gave me to make quilted mug rugs....well they are all put together except for the binding. I have figured out a way to add a front double pocket on 1 of them, one holds your spoon or stir stick, and the other can hold your tea bag,sweet-n-low packet or dairy creamer. Neat idea right? Thanks for the scraps and the batting Gloria, as I will use all of it!

In other news about quilting...I have been going thru my prized quilt books and magazines picking out my very favorites to keep. Sadly the rest will either end up in my etsy store, or at my flea market booth at Trader's Village, as I won't have room in the new apt. for all of my treasured items. I also found out that my niece in Dallas is expecting with triplets, so I need to get busy making 3 quilts for the new babies. I am thing that the rail fence pattern would be the easiest, and the fastest to make, and I guess I'll use all pastel colors, as we don't know the sex as of yet.
Oh yeah, my birthday is coming up.....hmmm what to do?
February sales on my Etsy store are up to 10.....yay!!! Slowly but surely I am picking up....small items but it's a sale, and every one counts! Maria from our sewing group just opened her shop on Etsy too. I told her to call me, and I would help her finish setting it up. She is making wonderful beaded crotchet necklaces. She also showed me how to make easy travel pillows last week. I love simple stuff that is fast, and easy, that is economical for me and my future customers. Not much good news to report on the job hunting front.....I have signed up with a temp agency, and have applied for 2 civil service jobs through a gov. site as well. Also I have a resume posted on the San Antonio workforce commission, but so far no matches. What's a single person to do?
In closing, I have a question that has been bugging me.....If you knew that someone had taken something that didn't belong to them, what would you do? I observed something last week, and it has really been bothering me to no end. Y'all take care, and HURRY SPRING!!!
PS....while reading some of the blogs that I subscribe too, I found a
stolen quilt alert. Please be on the lookout for this quilt.
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